Common module

This module contains HTTP initialisation and various HTML tag generation.


warning ($msg)

Function warning (hook for warn statement) issues a warning message into the error log and optionally on screen.

  1. $msg

    a string containing the message

The message is prefixed with Perl context information. It is printed on STDERR and if enabled on STDOUT as an HTML fragment.

To prevent HTML mayhem, HTML tag delimiters are replaced by their entity name equivalent.

This function is called after successful initialisation. There is no need to check for HTTP header state, since early errors are fatal and handled by the next function. However, the < HTML > tag and < BODY > element may not yet have been emitted if this is an error on the page header template.


fatal ($msg)

Function fatal (hook for die statement) issues an error message and quits.

  1. $msg

    a string containing the message

Full Perl context information is given and tentative LXR configuration data is dumped (on STDERR).

The message is printed both on STDERR and in the HTML stream.

If variable $HTTP_inited is not set, HTTP standard headers have not yet been emitted. In this case, minimal headers and HTML initial elements (start of stream, < HEAD > element and start of body) are printed before the message and the HTML page is properly closed.


tmpcounter ()

Function tmpcounter returns a unique id for numbering temporary files.

_edittime ($thetime)

Function _edittime returns a human-readable date/time in a string.

  1. $thetime

    an integer containing an UTC time in seconds since the epoch

indexstate ($who)

Function indexstate returns the most recent indexation time for the current tree or 0 if it is not indexed yet, -1 if indexing crashed, -2 if indexing is in progress.

  1. $who

    a string containing the main script name (used to avoid to retrieve records unrelated to present script, mainly in the perf case)


The times table records pertaining to the current version of the tree are read in: first the global "in-progress" sentinel record, then either the genxref's free-text indexing or declaration parsing dates.

If the "in-progress" record is still there, genxref is still working or crashed (depending on the sign of end time).

If no date record was retrieved, the tree has not been indexed. Otherwise, the termination time of the usage collection step is returned. Incremental indexing takes precedence over full reindexing because incremental times are erased when full reindexation takes place.

nonvarargs ()

Function nonvarargs returns an arrray containing "key=value" elements from the original URL query string not related with LXR "variables".

A non "variable" key is identified by its "sigil", an underscore ("_"). Any other key is ignored.

urlargs (@args)

Function urlargs returns a string representing its argument and the current state of the "variables" set suitable for use as the query part of an URL.

  1. @args

    an array containing "key=value" elements

To avoid progressive lengthening of the resulting string, the "key=value" strings for default variable values are deleted from the array.

All elements are concatenated with standard ampersand separator ("&") and prefixed with question mark ("?"). This string can be used as is in an URL.

fileref ($desc, $css, $path, $line, @args)

Function fileref returns an < A > link to a specific line of a source file.

  1. $desc

    a string for the user-visible part of the link, usually the file name

  2. $css

    a string containing the CSS class for the link

  3. $path

    a string containing HTML path to the source file

  4. $line

    an integer containing the line number to reference (or void)

  5. @args

    an array containing "key=value" elements


diffref ($desc, $css, $path, @args)

Function diffref returns an < A > link for the first step of difference display selection.

  1. $desc

    a string for the user-visible part of the link, usually the file name

  2. $css

    a string containing the CSS class for the link

  3. $path

    a string containing the HTML path to the source file

  4. @args

    an array containing "key=value" elements

But for the $line argument, the interface is identical to sub fileref's. See notes above.

Since script diff can be controlled through some URL arguments, a call is made to sub nonvarargs to keep the values of these arguments between calls.

idref ($desc, $css, $id, @args)

Function idref returns an < A > link to the cross reference list of an identifier.

  1. $desc

    a string for the user-visible part of the link, usually the identifier

  2. $css

    a string containing the CSS class for the link

  3. $id

    a string containing the name of the identifier to search

  4. @args

    an array containing "key=value" elements

Since script ident can be controlled through some URL arguments, a call is made to sub nonvarargs to keep the values of these arguments between calls.

incref ($name, $css, $file, @paths)

Function incref returns an < A > link to an included file or undef if the file is unknown.

  1. $name

    a string for the user-visible part of the link, usually the file name

  2. $css

    a string containing the CSS class for the link

  3. $file

    a string containing the HTML path to the include'd file

  4. @paths

    an array containing a list of base directories to search for the file

If the include'd file does not exist (as determined by sub incfindfile), the function returns undef. Otherwise, it returns an < A > link as computed by sub fileref.

http_wash ($name)

Function http_wash returns its argument reversing the effect of a URL-quote.

  1. $name

    a string to URL-unquote

http_encode ($name)

Function http_encode returns its argument URL-quoted.

  1. $name

    a string to URL-quote

fixpaths ($node)

Function fixpaths fixes its node argument to prevent unexpected access to files or directories.

  1. $node

    a string for the path to fix

This is a security function. If the node argument contains any /../ part, it is removed with the preceding part. Also /./ and all repeating / are replaced by a single slash.

The OS will then be presented only "canonical" paths without access computation, minimizing the risk of unwanted access.


minimal_http_headers ()

Function minimal_http_headers ouputs minimal HTTP headers for emergency situation during early initialisation.

std_http_headers ($who)

Function std_http_headers ouputs the "expected" HTTP headers and a blank line to switch to content (body) mode.

  1. $who

    an optional string containing the main script name

Presently, only a Last-Modified and a Content-Type headers are output.

If $who is undefined, current time is used in the Last-Modified header which is an elegant way to tell the browser to refresh its cache. This is useful for "dynamic" views like perf or showconfig.

httpinit ()

Function httpinit parses the URL, cleans up the parameters and sets up the LXR "variables".

It initializes the global variables (the LXR context) and HTTP output.

Information extracted from URL is stored into hash $HTTP.

This sub is also responsible for HTTP state transition from one invocation to the other. The URL (query) arguments are spread into 4 name spaces identified by a "sigil":

httpinit deals only with the first 2 namespaces.

clean_release ($releaseid)

Function clean_release returns its argument if the release exists otherwise the default value for variable 'v'.

  1. $releaseid

    a string containing the release (version) to check


clean_identifier ($id)

Function clean_identifier returns its argument after removing "unusual" characters.

  1. $id

    a string representing the identifier


clean_path ($path)

Function clean_path returns its argument truncated to known good characters.

  1. $path

    a string containing the path to check

    The path is truncated at the first non-HTML quote conformant character. Every sub-path equal to /./ or /../ is then removed.


httpclean ()

Function httpclean does the final clean up.

To be called when all processing is done.